Bandelier NM

Bandelier has a long human history and links to the modern Pueblos.
Traditions which began in the distant past are still practiced today.
At Bandelier, evidence of the Ancestral Pueblo people can be found in the dwellings, artifacts,
and continuing culture of the modern pueblos. Early Spanish settlers,
the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC), and the National Park Service also left their mark on the local landscape.
– from the Official National Park Service web site

This national monument is located SE of the Jemez Mountains near Los Alamos, west of Santa Fe.
The first photo, below, shows the Jemez Mountains in the background.

scenic overlook
Scenic Overlook - Sheer cliff face in canyon contains the ancient cliff dwellings.
Note lush forest of stately evergreens along stream bed in valley floor.

big kiva

cliff dwellings

view of dwellings
Photo taken from within the confines of the Tyuonyi village walls.

View of partially reconstructed ancient village of Tyuonyi from the cliff dwellings.

cliff dwellings
The ancient peoples carved into the soft rock walls, called Tuff, to create safe living space.

The dark stains at the top are from ancient wood smoke.

Cliff dwellings (Talus House) on left Tyuonyi on right.

cliff dwellings


long house

long house
View showing holes in cliff used to anchor roof beams.


All photographs copyright Bosque Bill - No use without written permission.