And should you care? Hmm, probably not, but just in case you are curious...
"I could have sworn I saw a hawk over there somewhere!"
Photo by Linda Rockwell, Feb. 5, 2011, Socorro County, NM
Delighted this image was selected for the cover of the
2012 issue of Habitat! Bosque del Apache NWR
I live in the Albuquerque North Valley a little neighborhood developed in the 1950s and 1960s from agricultural fields next to the river, it has escaped the worst of later urbanization.
I was born and raised in Albuquerque and was in the first graduating class of West Mesa HS. I went to college in Texas, lived there for a while, went back to college to get an engineering degree and took that to the San Francisco Bay Area where I worked and lived for 18 years.
It was in California that I began birding, though I always loved nature and the outdoors.
When I got fed up with the rat-race I moved back to Austin, Texas to hang out with old friends and regroup. Austin is a very cool place and I loved the music scene, especially the traditional country music. However, 9 years was enough, perhaps more than enough, and when given the opportunity to move back into the old family home, I jumped at the chance.
My favorite things about being back in New Mexico are the birding, biking, the bosque, dragonflies, the ancient culture, the gorgeous landscapes and most of all, New Mexico red and green chile. I love talking about birds & dragonflies and New Mexico, so if you are contemplating a visit to our area, feel free to drop me an email using the address, above. I can't guarantee I'll know the answer to every question, but I'll give you an honest attempt.
I listen mostly, but not exclusively, to classical music. While I'm on the computer I listen to the live stream at 95.5 KHFM Classical Public Radio or Venice Classic Radio.
I support the following worthy people and organizations. Consider this my endorsement.
Click to see my Mastodon profile. I post lots of photos there. It's a good place with no hassles.
Thanks for visiting. Feel free to drop me a line, use email link in the header.
All images and content ©2007 - 2025 Bosque Bill.
No copying or reproduction without written permission.