Includes a few other interesting plants besides just flowers.
If you know the names of those I've not identified, I'd appreciate you letting me know. Thanks.
New: Wildflowers Along the Sandia Crest Trail (July 2015 blog posting)
Open Space Visitor Center
Rio Grande Bosque
I now believe this to be American Brooklime (Veronica americana).
Probably Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia (Gooseberry Leafed Globemallow)
Sandia Mountains - 10,000' to 10,600'
Lovely bouquet of Purple Asters, Indian Paintbrush and Wild Parsley.
Cut-leaved Coneflower
Rocky Mountain Penstemon
Orange Agoceris
Jemez Mountains - 8400' to 8700'
Note the Prairedog burrow.
Pinesap is a saprophyte.
From along the Bosque Bike Trail.